Choose Arc

Joining the Arc group means participating in a great human and entrepreneurial adventure

For 200 years, our products have been designed and manufactured to accompany the tasty moments of life everywhere in the world. Making tableware more durable, more beautiful, more practical, safer and more accessible to millions of people is the pride of our 6,700 employees.

For several years, we are committed to an extremely ambitious sustainable development approach: reducing the carbon footprint, research into the development of electric ovens with a view to a strong reduction in energy consumption, or even the creation of glass containers as a substitute for disposable plastic dishes.

In addition to this environmental responsibility fully shared within the Group, our conviction is that Arc’s success is only possible through the professional development of each individual and the sharing of common values.

Arc is also blessed with great cultural wealth. Every day, our employees exchange with their colleagues from different backgrounds, cultures and experiences and thus, thanks to this great interaction, the best ideas emerge, beyond the continents and the distance that separate them. A real performance asset for the company, which allows everyone to feel useful and valued in their role.

Open the field of possibilities on an international scale

In terms of location first, with a presence in all regions of the world since the Group has 4 production sites in the USA, France, China and the United Arab Emirates. We also have several sales subsidiaries, in countries including the United States, Italy, UK, Russia, India, Australia,  Singapore and Turquey.

Then in terms of profession, since the skills and profiles sought are extremely varied and represent so many professional opportunities for your future.

Why choose Arc?

To draw with us today a new page in the history of the Group!

In order to ensure the transmission of know-how and thus guarantee the future of the company, we  permanently recruit  work-study students  at the Arques site in Hauts-de-France.

Come and train yourself in professions of passion and benefit from all the support necessary for a successful integration.

They testify

Shirley - Customer Service Manager

“I joined Arc China in 2002. I still remember the excitement of putting the first furnace into production! Since then our productions have diversified, which allows us to meet the expectations of our many customers. Arc products make our dishes delicious and our life more colorful!”

Shyv - Product Development Project Manager

“I am proud to work for the leader in tableware. These 12 years spent at Arc Middle East have been the most rewarding of my career. Satisfying customers is my first goal. Arc values the efforts and the quality of my work, which motivates me every day.”

Derrick - Moulding Shop Team Leader

“I was recruited by Arc Americas as a packer 23 years ago. Very quickly I was promoted to the Decor department before joining the Moulerie workshop as a polisher, fitter and currently team leader for 5 years. Arc has allowed me to increase my skills and grow, while providing the needs for my family.”